Andrew Nelson (University of Leeds, UK), as project coordinator was invited to give a presentation about the SABYDOMA project during the Nanotechnology Working Group (Nano WG) webinar on Thursday, May 21st, 2020.
The webinar was well booked and the participants got a good introduction to the SABYDOMA project.
The National Cancer Institute (NCI) Nanotechnology Working Group (Nano WG) was established in 2008 for researchers with a specific interest in informatics and computational approaches to nanotechnology, with a particular emphasis on nanomedicine. The goal of this working group is to demonstrate the scientific potential of federating nanotechnology databases through pilot projects aimed at integrated semantic search and retrieval of nanomedicine and nanotoxicology datasets that are applicable across nanoscience. The NCI Nano WG comprises over 20 active participants from academia, government and industry with diverse interests.