The first summit its kind, ANTHOS’24 - “Advanced (Nano)Materials and Technologies: science, research & innovation for safety and sustainability” - took place from 4 to 7 March 2024 at the TWELVE Conference Center in Vienna (Austria) and was accompanied by satellite events before and after the core program.
SABYDOMA attended the INDTech 2024 (Industrial Technologies) conference in Namur, Belgium in June 2024.
SABYDOMA Technology Showcase
On 7th March 2024, as a hybrid, satellite event of the ANTHOS’24 summit in Vienna (Austria), SABYDOMA organised a Technology Showcase where the four years of research performed in the SABYDOMA project were highlighted. Participants were able to observe demonstrations of hardware and approaches developed during the SABYDOMA project: a hardware demo of the coupling of
SABYDOMA 2nd SSbD workshop
On 7th March 2024, SABYDOMA was pleased to hold a hybrid, satellite event of ANTHOS’24 in Vienna (Austria); with a follow-up Safe-and-Sustainable-by-Design (SSbD) workshop being organised following the one successfully held in February 2022. The workshop, entitled “A stakeholder’s perspective of Safe-and-Sustainable-by-Design – a bigger picture!”, explored what progress had been made since our initial workshop,
SABYDOMA @ CIA Sustainability Conference 2023
On 18th October 2023 took place the Chemical Industries Association (CIA) Sustainability conference in Leeds (UK). The conference showcased industry case studies, along with engaging discussions with experts, and informative policy updates from the government. It had a diverse array of sustainability topics (including a flow chemistry scale up by Croda) and showcased an extensive range
Conference on Tools and Test for Safer-by-Design Nanomaterials
On 18-20 September 2023 took place the Conference on Tools and Test for Safer-by-Design Nanomaterials in Braga (Portugal) in the facilities of the International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL).
European Researchers’ Night 2023
BNN Brings Nanomaterials to the Public at European Researchers’ Night 2023 On Friday, 29 September 2023 BNN joined researchers across Europe for simultaneous public science events in dozens of European cities. In Graz we joined European Researchers’ Night 2023 at Universalmuseum Joanneum – a great venue in the heart of the city. Under the title “Life is Science
SABYDOMA @ ASINA Exploitation Workshop at NanoInnovation 2023
The ASINA Project’s Exploitation Workshop, held on 22 September 2023 on the last day of the NanoInnovation 2023, on the premises of Università La Sapienza, was a great success. The event brought together key members of the ASINA Project as well as other EU-funded initiatives, creating a dynamic platform to exchange ideas, share insights, and explore
SABYDOMA @ EuroNanoForum 2023
Every second year, EuroNanoForum (ENF) convenes industry leaders, academics, policy makers, and various stakeholders in an inclusive forum to explore advancements in nanotechnologies.
SABYDOMA @ EU-Asia Dialogue 2023
The EU H2020 NanoHarmony project organised a policy meeting in Brussels on the 23rd May to discuss the importance of standardised test methods in building consumers' trust on safe innovations.