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Knowledge transfer

On 7th March 2024, SABYDOMA was pleased to hold a hybrid, satellite event of ANTHOS’24 in Vienna (Austria); with a follow-up Safe-and-Sustainable-by-Design (SSbD) workshop being organised following the one successfully held in February 2022. The workshop, entitled “A stakeholder’s perspective of Safe-and-­Sustainable-by-Design – a bigger picture!”, explored what progress had been made since our initial workshop,

SABYDOMA’s coordinator, Dr. Andrew Nelson from the University of Leeds, gave last 29 Nov. 2023 at the Heriot Watt University in Edinburgh a seminar to 30 students and other stakeholders. Under the title “Third generation online screening for structure-activity modelling", the talk followed the development of the innovative screening technology (developed in SABYDOMA) from its original

On 25 November 2022, the Horizon Europe project IRISS (The InteRnatIonal ecosystem for accelerating the transition to Safe-and-Sustainable-by-design materials, products and processes) organized its first digital workshop, focusing on the application of the SSbD concept in materials and chemicals. Its objective was to support the State-of-the-Art mapping activities of SSbD, obtain first insights on how to