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Work plan

The project is divided into nine work packages covering the scientific and technical aspects of the project, exploitation and dissemination of results, ethic requirements and project management.

Each work package is managed by a work package leader who is responsible for the timely delivery of deliverables to the Coordinator, who in turn represents the Consortium to the Commission.

Project concept, structure and progression

WP1 – TRL4 lab validation (WP Leader: University of Leeds)

WP2 – TRL5 industrial validation (WP Leader: Applied Nanoparticles SL)

WP3 – TRL6 demonstration in the industrial environment (WP Leader: Creative Nano PC)

WP4 – Release studies (WP Leader: The University of Birmingham)

WP5 – Computational modelling (WP Leader: National Technical University of Athens)

WP6 – Regulation, governance and data management (WP Leader: Norsk Institutt for Luftforskning Stiftelse)

WP7 – Dissemination and Exploitation (WP Leader: BioNanoNet Forschungsgesellschaft mbH)

WP8 – Project management and Coordination (WP Leader: University of Leeds)

WP9 – Ethics requirements (WP Leader: University of Leeds)