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University of Birmingham (UoB)

WP4 leader. Contributing to WP1-WP3 and WP6-WP8.

UoB will be responsible for the technological development of the release studies, as well as for providing analytical support and characterisation expertise and participate in the overall project design as well as in silico module validation. UoB will take part in WPs 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 and 8 and will lead WP 4.


The main tasks of UoB will be:

WP1 – to support TRL validation

WP2 and WP3 – support demonstration activities, particularly in aligning with SbD concepts

WP4 – lead the release studies activity

WP5 – development and delivery of data for the QSAR model and the SbD platform performance

WP6 – support regulatory links particularly through Prof Valsami-Jones’ role in the NanoSafety Cluster

UoB will also take part in dissemination within WP7 and support overall project management in WP8


The Environmental Health Sciences research group in the School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences has internationally leading strength in environmental and biological nanoscience (focussing on nanosafety), atmospheric science (air quality / atmospheric chemistry / meteorology & climatology) and environmental chemistry. Research in the group has played central role in the European nanosafety arena and the establishment of the EC’s Nanosafety Cluster and has developed fundamental scientific understanding of the processes and mechanisms of nanotoxicity, with activities spanning laboratory studies, field measurements and numerical model simulations, drawing upon extensive analytical, computational and field facilities. The group offers expert knowledge in a wide range of nanosafety topics, from nanomaterial synthesis and labelling through to characterisation of the nanomaterials and of bio-nano interfacial interactions, including in vitro and in vivo toxicity testing. The group also has well established expertise on data management, aspects of nanomaterial ageing and transformations as well as fate, behaviour, environmental impact, underpinned by computational modelling.