SABYDOMA @NanoSafety Training School
From 15–20 May 2022, around 120 scientists from the European Nanosafety Cluster (NSC) represented by 15 projects met at the historic Auditorium Santa Margherita in Venice, Italy, to attend the annual Nanosafety Training School – this year, as a hybrid event and with the theme “Towards Safe and Sustainable by Design Advanced (Nano)Materials”.
NanoSafety Training School: From Basic Science to Risk Governance
Check out the latest news about the NanoSafety Training School: From Basic Science to Risk Governance The 10th edition of the Venice NanoSafety Training School will be held on a virtual platform! Due to the current COVID pandemic and the restrictions imposed by the Italian Government on face-to-face events, the Organising Committee has taken the difficult decision to