SABYDOMA @ NanoHarmony Policy Meeting
The EU H2020 NanoHarmony project organised a policy meeting in Brussels on the 23rd May to discuss the importance of standardised test methods in building consumers’ trust on safe innovations. The NanoHarmony project represents a success story on test guideline development and is the result of a close collaboration among policy makers, regulators, industry and research institutes which paved the way towards a strategy on how to achieve test methods to comply with EU regulation. Under the title “European Safety and Sustainability Assessment: Fit for the Future”, this policy meeting, aligned with the AMI2030 initiative, the EU NanoSafetyCluster and the Malta Initiative, was set up as a discussion forum to look at the next steps on building a much-needed strategy to assure test guideline development in Europe.
Key participants such as the European Commission, OECD, ECHA, governmental institutes, large industry, representatives of relevant EC-funded projects (e.g., HARMLESS, SABYDOMA, IRISS, PARC) and NGOs joined the meeting, shared their views, and discussed about potential recommendations that shall be included in a White Paper.
Picture above: From left to right: Sabine Frey (BAG), Blanca Suarez (TEMASOL), Monique Groenewold (RIVM), Isabella De Angelis (ISS), Eric Bleeker (RIVM), and Andreas Falk (BNN)
Andreas Falk (BNN) and Cris Rocca, representing NSC and the projects HARMLESS and SABYDOMA
Alexander Pogany (BMVIT and Chair of the Malta Initiative Board) during his presentation “Europe’s achievements in Test Guidelines developments: The Malta Initiative”
Wim De Coen (ECHA) during his presentation “Regulatory methods for safe and sustainable chemicals and materials: Engaging NGOs and meeting societal needs”