SABYDOMA @ CIA Sustainability Conference 2023
On 18th October 2023 took place the Chemical Industries Association (CIA) Sustainability conference in Leeds (UK). The conference showcased industry case studies, along with engaging discussions with experts, and informative policy updates from the government. It had a diverse array of sustainability topics (including a flow chemistry scale up by Croda) and showcased an extensive range of challenges and opportunities facing the industry.
Around 60 people attended the conference, coming from academia, industry, policy makers, regulators and other stakeholder groups.
SABYDOMA project wanted to show the conference audience the sustainability built within the microfluidic platforms developed by the University of Leeds for Safe and Sustainable by Design (as flow chemistry has Green Chemistry principals applied to it). Matt Jellicoe presented a poster showcasing two case studies on the synthesis of silver and copper oxide nanoparticles under flow, and their effect on the artificial biomembrane sensor.