Maria Dusinska got the Slovak State Award in 2024
We warmly congratulate our colleague Maria Dusinska, from NILU, for receiving the Slovak State Award directly from the hand of the president of the Slovak Republic, Zuzana Čaputová.
You really deserve this important award to your long and successful career as an exceptional researcher. Your dedication, guidance, leadership and contribution to science have served as source of inspiration for many of us!! The SABYDOMA team in proud of you!
[Original full name of the award: Štátne vyznamenanie Rad Ľudovíta Štúra II. triedy za za mimoriadne zásluhy o rozvoj Slovenskej republiky v oblasti vedy a techniky, ako aj za mimoriadne šírenie dobrého mena Slovenskej republiky v zahraničí. – English approximate translation: State award, Order of Ľudovít Štúr, 2nd class; exceptional merit for contributing to the development of science and technology, as well as for promoting the international reputation of the Slovak Republic]
This award is traditionally given by the president of Slovakia every year as part of the celebrations related to the establishment of Slovak republic (January 1st). This year it was the 31st Anniversary of Slovakia as independent country. The ceremony took place on 14 January 2024 in the Slovak Filharmony – Reduta, in Bratislava. This year 33 people from different areas of society (e.g., culture, society, art, science, sport, etc.) got awarded, not only from Slovakia but also from other countries. More information here (in Slovak).