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NanoSafety Training School: From Basic Science to Risk Governance

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NanoSafety Training School: From Basic Science to Risk Governance

Check out the latest news about the NanoSafety Training School: From Basic Science to Risk Governance

The 10th edition of the Venice NanoSafety Training School will be held on a virtual platform!

Due to the current COVID pandemic and the restrictions imposed by the Italian Government on face-to-face events, the Organising Committee has taken the difficult decision to not postpone further and organise the School as a virtual event to ensure the safety of all attendees.

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Hurry up and register HERE! Registraion is open until 16 June!

The School attendance is free of charge. The maximum number of newly accepted registrations is 200 attendees and will be on a first come-first served basis.

Recordings will be made publicly available on the school website past the event.

Event Details

Date: 21. June 2021 - 25. June 2021
Time: -
Venue: Online