1st Stakeholder Workshop on SSbD
On 19th March 2021, the DG Research & Innovation department of the European Commission hosted virtually the “1st Stakeholders’ workshop on Safe and Sustainable-by-Design criteria”.
Coming from the key enabling technologies, advanced materials and specifically nano-sized mate-rials earned attention to make their use and application safe and sustainable. Funded projects in recent years prepared a very strong fundament for applying this safety and sustainability expertise in the nowadays European Green Deal actions.
The SSbD approach now finds its way into the chemicals strategy for sustainability, contributing to (i) climate neutrality, (ii) zero pollution, and (iii) circular economy. At that point, this workshop has been an important activity towards development of criteria on Safe and Sustainable-by-Design.
The workshop set the first steps towards the criteria definition, concept and planning and brought lots of information about the future process to further elaborate on the SSbD concept in the field of chemical risk assessment.
SABYDOMA was represented in the event, as Andreas Falk (from BNN) contributed to the discussions with his expertise in Safe- and Sustainable-by-Design (SSbD) to the workshop. Ignasi Gispert Pi (from APPNPS) brought the workshop’s outputs into the project to better develop and assess SSbD within SABYDOMA and to define how it can contribute to the consolidation of SSbD.
Watch the recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alXzLtwu8WE
If you are interested in follow up activities of SSbD, please register here as stakeholder: https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/9c66713d-15e4-b8ea-36b4-d5d1d8b471db
Stay tuned! In the coming weeks a survey to collect input for the SSbD methodology development will be launched.